Sunday, August 17, 2008

McCain on Evil: Defeat It, Super Soliders!

Last night, during a presidential forum with the candidates, Rev. Warren asked McCain if evil exist and how to deal with it. McCain said he would defeat it, and that statement received a round of applause.

But I know you can't defeat it. It's not that simple, McCainiac. We will never defeat "evil" because we do not have a solid grasp of the concept of evil. I've blogged about evil before. I believe that "evil" is a form of circumstance. A series of events that can result into something deeper and far from what most of us could ever imagine. Our "villains" are sometimes victims, usually by our practices and policies. If we want to stop evil in other countries, we might need to check our "American" actions first.

Also to defeat evil is a never-ending battle. With the ills of the world, it would take a complete moral makeover to make that happen, and my friends, will never happen. To be treal, we need evil. Evil, or the concept of evil, keeps the moral conflict balanced. Without it, we would never learn our strong points or weaknesses. We would not be able to take a solid stance or hold a strong value towards life or death.

It's the old belief of Yin and Yang. Both good and evil must exist if we want to be better people. And while I struggle with the idea of evil, I do think it exist. But it's deeper than the malefic grin, high cheek bones, and the green skin. It's more than we are willing to see.

1 comment:

  1. "McCainiac"

    That made me LOL.

    McCain's statements seem so similar to the current president. It's scary to think we could be facing four more years of it.
