Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just a Quick Question, Evangelicals.

Evangelicals, I feel that y'all are not on the same page as most people. Still, you are pushing abortions and gay marriage as major issues. Well, folks you are once again, out of touch. Economy is the big deal.

People are suffering and not by the gays doing the chicken dance at their weddings, but by gas prices, bills, and war. And before y'all start thinking this election and country belongs to you, ask yourself this: Are you doing what's best for the country or what's best for your ego?


  1. I used to be just like them. I was such a die-hard evangelical. The kicker? The whole time I was preaching against gay marriage? I knew that I was gay. For me, it was a total lack of security in myself. I was such a republican that I have an autographed Photo of W. I also used to get birthday cards every year since I was the Vice-President of the Tennessee Teenage Republicans. It's sad, really.

    You're right. We need to get the economy under control.

  2. I think Rev. Warren's camp gave McBush the questions before hand. We all have heard how he stumbles when someone asks him a question. He seemed to interrupt Warren before the question was even asked to answer it and he never stumbled once. Something smells fishy to me.

    Joie: Glad you stopped drinking the kool-aid. ;-)

  3. Oooh, it's like a meme: I wonder how many people we can get to eventually mention The Chicken Dance in a blog post.

    I'll tell you who's doing the Chicken Dance...and its not teh Gays.
