Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mars in Movie?

If you liked or loved the cute and smart show, Veronica Mars, then this could be great news. EW reports that the creator Rob Thomas and the star of the series, Kristen Bell talked about the future of the show.

The impromptu powwow took place last week in the offices of Thomas' Hollywood-based production company, which just so happens to be located on the same lot where Bell is shooting Heroes. "Kristen and I ran into each other, and we did discuss a Veronica movie," confirms Thomas, who says he has also had "a few conversations" with Mars executive producer Joel Silver. "It's very tough to focus on it right now with two pilots on my plate," adds Thomas, referring to his two ABC projects, a reworking of his '90s dramedy Cupid and an adaptation of the New Zealand series Outrageous Fortune. "But as soon as I have any free time, that's my top priority." For her part, Bell considers it a "major compliment" that people are still interested in Mars. "[Fans] still ask me all the time if the show's coming back. Emotionally, I don't want to think about Veronica Mars every day because it really does make me sad."

Well hopefully that frown will be turned upside-down if this movie deal happens. I think it will be a nice form of closure or opener to something new. Now if we can get Girlfriends as a movie, things would be perfect.

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