Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Experience Speerience

I know people want an experienced president. They want someone who can handle the war and other foreign affairs. But I guess what's bothering me is how McCainiac is attacking Obama about his experience when in reality, he's not that experienced either.

Yes, he's a war vet, but my uncle's a war vet and he can't lead the country. And McCain's leadership hasn't done that much for Arizona. So in a lot of ways, both of them are around the same experience level by substance, but different in years.

I ask folks to look beyond the ads and cute talk. Their work history should be a strong indicator to what we may get. Remember, when most of us start a new job, we may have the experience to get us through the door, but it will take skills, smarts, and heart to keep us in the house. Neither candidate is war savy, that comes from their inner circle, but both of them have heart.

However, we should look at who can talk to our supposed enemies and bring countries together. Just shooting off at folks don't solve anything, we have seen that for about 7 years now.


  1. Your right McCain has about the same experience george bush had = none.

  2. True, now if everyone else would see that

  3. What is it about military experience anyway? Lifers are oftentimes belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious... qualities that I do not want in a leader of the free world.
    Experience = enough time to become corrupted to properly pull the wool over the people's eyes without getting caught, while being funded by huge money interest groups.

    Vote Obama

    Obama/Albright '08
