Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Attack of The Mutant Cat

Mutants are on the rise, especially for cats. More info about the X-Cat is here. Poor kitty

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video, thanks for sharing. I just have to rant a bit, though ... ;-)

    First of all, they decided to have the cat microchipped because a four-eared cat is so rare?? Argh!! No! All cats - and dogs! - should be microchipped! Because their owners care about them, not because they're valuable freaks. >:-(

    As for the turtle segment, that pisses me off even more. How come EVERYONE always talks about two-headed turtles in the singular?? And then she's surprised that the heads fight over the food?? Seriously. Of course they fight over the food - they're two animals!!! Why isn't it completely obvious that two brains must mean two individuals? No one (well, almost no one, I guess) would dream of assuming that human conjoined twins were one person. It's the same with reptiles. Turtles with two heads are in fact two turtles in one body - they are simply conjoined twins. It makes me feel sad every time I hear or read about 'a two-headed turtle' ... it doesn't signify anything positive for the way reptiles in captivity are generally viewed.

    Yes, I am a turtle owner ... ;-)
