Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Continue To Lay Hands on Arizona

This state has always been a diversity mess from the gate. Either they are trying to cheat the system about gay marriage, disband ethnic student organizations because they believe they're terrorists, or this recent foolishness.

Certain folks, like the conservative activist and longtime affirmative action hater Ward Connerly, wants to do away with affirmative action. But in order to do that, they have at least 300, 000 signatures to place a ban of affirmative action policies from public institutions on the ballot for November.

Connerly's group managed to find 325,000 signatures to make the initiative happen. However, State Representative Kyrsten Sinema organized a team of 1,000 volunteers to look into the signatures, just to be sure they were legit. Well, they wasn't...

Perhaps the most interesting signature they found was from one "Momar Kadafie" -- a variant on Libyan leader Muammar Qaddaffi's name. (See the signature page here.) Arizona's anti-affirmative action "Kadafie" listed his country as "Saudie Arabia" and his hometown as "Tebet," alongside an Arizona zip code of 85007. That signature on a campaign circular came right after others from Jimmy Carter and "Jerry" Ford, representing quite the pow-wow of world leaders (both living and dead). Another page featured John Hancocks from John and Robert Kennedy.

So now, Connerly and fools are accused of fraud, but he claims that someone else sabotaged him. Oh, Connerly, please get it together.

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