Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday Night Movie: The Queen

I spent my Saturday night watching The Queen. I really thought I would hate it, but I actually liked the movie. Dame Helen Mirren did a great job playing the Queen. The movie takes place during Diana's death. I remember that time and the TV coverage, but I didn't know about the controversy besetting the royal family.

I found the Queen's dilemma interesting and sad. I didn't realize her story or the history of her "job". I felt that she was jealous of Diana because of her fame and humility. The Queen is always portrayed as cold and heartless, but I don't think most people understood her role. Remember, she was placed in that role without a choice. Diana chose to become a Royal and she also chose to leave that role. The Queen doesn't have that luxury.

I also wondered if England really needs a monarchy. The Queen doesn't make any major decisions or provide real leadership. So what is her point? What is her relevance to her country, if she's not making any social change? And how long will it be before England decides to move on without a royal family? I wonder if the Queen has ever thought about that.

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