Sunday, June 22, 2008

My favorite Witch movie

The Craft has nothing on this one. Midnight Offerings was/is one best supernatural movies made. It's in the top 10, well, my top 10 of supernatural flicks. And as I'm concerned, it is the best Witch movie ever made. Plus, it has Mary Ingalls (Melissa Sue Anderson) as the evil witch, Vivian.

Midnight Offerings is the classic tale of good and evil with teen-aged witches. Well, they are not really witches, they're seventh daughters of seventh daughters which gives them power over the elements and telekinesis. But the evil one of the mixes witchcraft with her natural gifts, like the Scarlet Witch from The Avengers.

So the two Sabrinas cross paths and spells, clocks, crows, and fire is thrown everywhere. It was a TV movie during the 80s, remember those? I lucked out and got a DVD version (bootleg) and watch it every 6 months. If you haven't heard of the movie, google it or check out the clip I have for you here.


  1. I have been trying to get a copy of this movie FOREVER!.. You must make me a copy, or I'll hex you and dive with you into the fire.. "ALL my fault, all my fault" just like in the movie...LOL
