Saturday, May 10, 2008

Life according to Ororo 4

Some of my friends are going through some stuff right now. And the main question has been: When does the healing begin?

Some of us have endured heartbreak, betrayal, and lies from the people we trusted the most. And it's hard. It's hard to believe that crap like this happens, but it does. In fact, it happens everyday. But how do we move on? How do we keep on trucking? Well, I don't know, but somehow time and self awareness helps us.

One of breakups brought out the "Dark Phoenix" in me. I was so mad, I couldn't stand him, I hated him and anything pertaining to him. That only lasted a day. Later we became friends, but when he start dating again, I went back to hating him. Later, I realized I was giving anger so much power that I was killing myself. I wasn't taking care of my heart, I was pulling and tugging at every piece of that organ. Not once did I question my real reasons for my issues, but when I did, I knew I would come up short. It wasn't him, it was me. I was keeping myself unhappy, miserable, and hateful. My unhappiness wasn't going to stop his, all I was doing was hurting my friendship with him. So when I finally got out of my mess, I started to feel better.

And then I went through another breakup. And guess what. I fell back into the same cycle. But this guy was a mistake, he was an Affirmative Action boyfriend. He only had 2 of the 6 qualities I look for in a guy, but I gave him a shot anyway. He was a joke, and I knew it. But I hated him and blamed him for everything. However, the minute I calmed down it came clear. I could only blame myself. I knew he was a joke and a mistake. I could only be mad at myself, because I knew what I was getting into.

But I realized that I shouldn't give him any power over my emotions. If he wasn't worth it then , he wasn't worth it. Now, it did hurt, it wasn't a clean breakup. But I needed to move on. If I wanted happiness, I had to take care of some of my issues. Nobody wants you bringing your drama in their already action-filled lives. It was important to deal with me. It wasn't easy but I learned so much more about myself it was scary. There was so harsh truths lurking in me, but I had to do it. And I'm glad I did it. So if you are going through breakups or betrayals, take some time to ask yourself so hard questions. I think if you deal with your part in the madness, it gets easier to let go and move on.

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