Friday, May 9, 2008

Are the imcomplete college attending, poor Whites the new black?

Usually the Dems and Repubs got to pull all the stops to court Black voters. Now, they are breaking their necks to get the "non college attending, hardworking" Whites in their corner.
But is this wise?
Are they sending a fraked up message to the public?

Before I begin, I'm not saying that everyone who didn't go to college is "uneducated". I know that the circumstances are different for folks and everyone's not college bound. However, I think it speaks poorly of our nation when we almost celebrate in the "academically challenged".

Yesterday, Hellhound Hillary called out her Brotherhood of Mutants, recognizing that she has uneducated or non college attending Whites at her side. She also said that Obama's losing his appeal on the hardworking Whites. But is that a bad thing? I think it's bad to label them like she did, however it raises interesting issues. How did they become big players in this election? I guess it was evident for the past 8 years. They put Bush back in office, hoping to end gayness, and abortion. But in the end, they were made fools of. Why? Because it's too easy to do.

Dr Rove knew this before and played the religious, fear, secret racial card every time. And every time it worked. And they never got new jobs, we (gays) are still on the planet, and God's no closer to us than before. In fact the poor Whites was practically told "you don't really matter, unless we need you to". So I thought we all learned a lesson. But we didn't, Dems are using this tactic as well. And the funny part is, it's working again!!!

How can Hillary, who went to Yale, lived the good life for over 30 years claim she is just like the middle class? Oh, and the money, let talk about the 100 million dollars the Clintons got back in taxes. And yet, she's suppose to be working class. But guess what, they (blue collar, middle class, her crew) believed her and supported her! Claiming she's just like them, no honey, she's not. Taking a shot of whiskey and shooting a gun doesn't make her special, and it shouldn't make anyone think that's all we need in a leader.

Honestly, if I had a Ivy degree and super vocabulary, I think I would want my people to understand me. I hope that didn't offend anyone reading this but I'm so lost with this notion. As a leader, I would want my followers to be on point and I would encourage them to think about how and why they are used in this manner. Then, I would ask them to get out of the "uneducated" category. They shouldn't feel good about being placed in that block and they shouldn't want to stay there.
So please, GET OUT of there.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that Hillary's comments reflect a much more condescending attitude towards these voters than Barack's "bitterness" remark did. Isn't she saying that these working class whites are too stupid to vote their economic interests in the general election while Barack's supporters can be counted on not to be foolish enough to vote for McCain?
