Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Don't date this man, save him!

So I surfed the internets to find that the Designer turn Madame Mess, Marc Jacobs is dating another porn star/rent boy. Really? Marc, what is really going on? This ain't cute, you're not impressing anyone. In fact you are providing fodder for self-esteem gurus everywhere.

Why are you dating these "lost boys"? (I'm excusing Erik Rhodes, because I like him and he's real).What do they really do for you, besides, um, their jobs. It's clearly a sign of low self esteem and worth. I mean we all have been there, but you keep on, keeping on. Focus on your fashion and stop presenting your one man mess-o-drama. It's silly and embarrassing...but entertaining at times.

But seriously, save your money, find a grown man, and make me a Wonder Woman cape .

For more info about Marky Marc: http://gawker.com/387682/the-many-loves-of-marc-jacobs


  1. U know, there's always the possibility that one of those rent boys is the real deal...a profession doesn't say all there is to know about someone. But it could be a meth-thing...or maybe the blue-hair keeps him from meeting a better class of guy.

    Still, perhaps he should be focussing on Wonder Woman capes. Would you want one based on Lynda Carters, or one of the more regal choices of Ambassador Diana?

  2. You're right, Greg. I shouldn't judge so quickly
