Monday, May 5, 2008

By the Goddess! Gossip Girl is trying to be a New Mutant!!

This is odd, I mean after the success of Iron Man, they want to do this to us?

Check it out

Black Book Magazine
reportedly spoke with Gossip Girl creator Josh Schwartz, who says he's developing a prequel, but it isn't one like Origins. (What's with the desire for all these X-Men prequels!?) Schwartz says: "I'm very well aware that I'll be bludgeoned by purists, but I love its mythology, and it comes with a pretty hefty paycheck." His idea for this whole affair is to follow a teen who attends the Xavier Institute. He says he won't be adding any new characters, so the question becomes: Which lucky X-Men character will Schwartz focus on? The writer goes on to diss The Incredible Hulk, saying that it "looks like it's going to be terrible. And why does he look like he's fighting against the monster from Cloverfield?" So, if he can pull this off to his tastes, it should be, at the very least, better than Hulk. Even after the disappointment of the latest X-Men movie, I'd love to see another movie pop up with more than just Wolverine or Magneto. Unlike most action or geek fare movies, where I fall for the movie as a whole, I really dig a lot of the characters in X-Men and the way the actors portray them. I've spoken before about how much Hugh Jackman rocks as Wolverine, but there's also Magneto, Professor X, Mystique, and my other big favorite -- Anna Paquin's Rogue. But this will be something entirely different, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's a whole different set of actors. So, does this sound good to you, and which character should Schwartz be focusing on?

This man can't be trusted, he writes for Gossip Girl!!! I can't go through another mess of a movie, like X-Men 3 again. I hope it will not be a sex-filled, overly fashion, mutant high. Oh Goddess, this is scary. I know I am jumping to conclusions but his street cred isn't any better than Ratner the Hutt and I thought Zak Penn was doing this movie or movies anyway. If Schwartz is on the X-Men project, please don't let him screw this up. I can't help but to think that we are heading into the Batman & Robin phase. Please Josh don't mess this up!!

However, Chuck isn't bad, there could be some hope. But I don't know...

Oh, the humanity!

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