Thursday, April 17, 2008

Where's my Cake!

I was on ebay and found a Creepshow shirt, then later I read someone's blog about Creepshow merchandise. So I took it as a sign to talk about one of my favorite fright flicks, Creepshow.

This was my intro to scary stories in a comic book/movie way. I was so amaze with the theme music, the split screens, and the use of comic panels; I was literary glued to the tube. I thought it was a real book you could buy at the local drug store. I remember going to store every week trying to find the Creepshow comic book, but the manager to me that it didn't exist. (I learned 15 years later that you buy the graphic novel in B&N).

Anyway, the minute I saw this movie I was in love with it! Especially Father's Day, that story is a real gem. Aunt Bedelia' s scene was one of the best monologues in horror history, she was phenomenal. Then Creepshow 2 came out several years later. I was lucky to go with a cousin to see this in the theater. It was good, but it could have added two more stories. My fave was The Raft. It was a great story, plus I had a crush on the jock with bikini briefs.

I always hoped for another movie, but when Creepshow 3 popped out, I was mortified. This mess of movie should have stayed as a thought. I don't know why they thought this was worthy to be made, but I sure some people felt the same way about Xanadu .

1 comment:

  1. The "Creepshow" movies revisited some of my favorite Stephen King short stories...some with more success than others. "The Raft" is a wicked creepy tale, for sure...not sure I ever saw the movie version, though.
