Thursday, April 17, 2008

G.I. Joe is there, but not Lady Jaye

Miss Alison R. Hart-Burnett, known to us 80's toy geeks as the incredible Lady Jaye from G.I. Joe. But the new movie seemed to have left her out, which is not cool!

I noticed this heifer here (I do love Scarlett, btw) and they even have Cover Girl in the film. But why leave Lady Jaye out!
She was smart, cool, and had those crazy javelins.

Why would she be left out, while Cover Girl waste the screen with her presence. I'm not feeling this, but if the movie's a flop I'll be alright.

1 comment:

  1. Call me crazy, but the outfit looks more like the Baroness than Scarlet. Plus, Flint was the cutest member on the team.
