Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Penny scares me

So tonight is the Pennsylvania primary and I'm a little bit worried. This place, so far, has not been the state of openness and change. It seems this wonderful state is home to the people I ran away from in Tennessee and Kentucky. My partner is from there, and even he hates it.

Regardless of this being the home of the diva omega, Patti Labelle, there's the spot in this state that fears diversity, gay people, and modern living. Sure there are plenty of states that have these spots, but this is critical. The media has played on the people's ignorance in this state. The ads, the messages about elitism, the color lines, and guns made headlines instead of the failing economy, education, and increasing arrest among men.

Penny, get out of the dark ages! Put the issues that are crucial to your existence! Gun control and backwoods thinking are empty carbs, get some substance in you. Think about why Hell-hound Hillary put out an ad with Bin Laden in it. She didn't do that anywhere else, why do you think she did it in your state? Because she thinks you will cling to your fear and hide in your homes. And she will save you...well she ain't Wonder Woman. She's more like Orana, headstrong, but doesn't think before doing things.

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