Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Mutants breeds randomness

You go Dani!

Today, instead of being inspired by Ororo, I'm bringing some wisdom from another favorite X-character of mine, Dani Moonstar.

It seems that individualism is a rarity today. With pop culture telling us what to wear, what to eat, how to act, and how to breathe, it's easy to lose yourself sometimes. I have learned to cherish the quirks and important aspects about myself. It hasn't been easy, but I'm enjoying the journey.

Maybe some of you remember the things people teased you about. My love for disco, V.C. Andrews novels, Wonder Woman, She-ra, and comic books were my teasing points. But they were also pieces that defined my character. They brought out creative sides of me and challenged me to think outside the box.

I also cherish my southern and racial heritage. My family's upbringing is still apart me and paramount to my moral being. My culture is a symbol of my pride and honor. And my sexuality is an important piece that gives me that edge.

Those things above gives me hope, strength, power, security, and sense of humor with a side geek. We all have different variance of these attributes, which makes us individuals. But without any acknowledgement of these attributes, I think we are barely alive.

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