Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The ideal guy...the nerdy gay

After years of meeting people, dating and partying. I’ve come to the conclusion that the “nerdy gay” is the ideal man.

Why? Well, not because my partner is, but from their characteristics. Right now, we are in a shallow decline. Most gay guys are judge and valued by their online pics, their bodies, how much mean green they got, and the social circle they run in.

We find ourselves trying to find the “hot guy” that doesn’t exist and get highly jaded as we continue to hit the same “men” wall.

But do we stop and think about how smart a guy is, if they can carry a conversation outside of the new Britney/Madonna/Pop Tart CD, or if they want change the world? Most of us would like to, all of us should in some period in our lives.

I think the “nerdy gay” could be the answer. Here are my reasons:

  • They are loyal and most of them are faithful
  • They are somewhat smart and engaging
  • They’re interested in things that are not the norm, but kind remarkable. (Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Books)
  • They know big words and some languages outside of the human race (Klingon)
  • They like to do other things besides, a bar, a club, most drugs, and multiple people
  • The have an unique sense of humor
  • They are not shallow
  • Their cuteness goes beyond the looks
  • They have heighten awareness of the world
  • They’re genuinely nice guys
  • And they aren’t so predicable

I have “dated” different types of guys, and I’ve found my experience with the “nerdy gays” to be more fulfilling. Sure, we all have different needs and wants. But at the end of the day, I like for someone who challenge me, make me laugh, and teach me how to cast elf spells or the history of Kahless the Unforgettable.


  1. This is a great list, both entertaining and insightful.

    Nice to know there are guys (I really hope most of us) who look beyond the perfect profile pic to something real in the people around us. Hopefully the perfect nerdy guy enjoys the *occasional* bar, club, etc, as a change of pace, too...moderation in all things!

    Hey, I LOVED the "Xanadu" soundtrack when I was a kid, but never saw the movie until just last year! It was funny how I knew all the words and couldn't help singing along...silly story, but fun just the same.

    I'd have broken that three-way tie if I'd gotten here before your poll closed!

  2. Good post! That list more or less fits me to a tee (less on the Star Wars, more on the science and esoteric). I loved Xanadu as well :) Nerdy gay guys for nerdy gay guys...sigh.
