Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fendi, True Religion Jeans, and Comic Books...what do these 3 things have in common?

So today I just spent $43.00 on comics. Normally, I don't think about it but today it hit me. I love comic books and been a fan since I was knee-high; but $43 dollars ? Good Grief!

I remember the good ole days when I paid 60 to 75 cents for a comic. I would save up all of my allowance (spare change and my mama's cigarette change she always forgot to ask for) and hit up the local drug store to get my super hero fix. And later, comics got up to a $1.25, but it was no big deal. I was working at Mickey D's and paying no bills.

Now, it's like a extra cell phone bill! Comic books are no joke, individual books cost about $3 or $4 dollars a pop. But I'll put out the dough for them. What can I say, I'm whole-heartedly addicted to my comics.

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