Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Omar Mateen visited Gay Bars and Gay Dating Apps

This is interesting news, folks.

Omar Mateen has been on gay apps and present at Pulse for several months. Witnesses say that Omar was at the club, sitting in a corner by himself, And other times, he would get really drunk and shout at people.

Then, here is the interesting part... Others have seen him on the gay apps
Kevin West said the shooter, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, contacted him three months ago through a dating app called Jack'd.

"When he first contacted me, he was saying things like, 'What clubs are popping and things of that sort, what are good places to go?'" West said. "And I remember telling him, 'Oh, you can just look it up online because I don't go out that much."

West said he didn't think anything of it at the time. On Sunday morning, he said he met with FBI agents and showed them his communications with Mateen.
Some say that Omar was on Adam4Adam and other apps. It makes me wonder if he was dealing with his own demons. Not excusing this at all, but I wondering if his "self-hatred" led to this.


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