Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Gov. Pat McCrory Vows to Attack Charlotte’s LGBT Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Two days ago the Charlotte City Council voted in favor of the LGBT Non-discrimination Ordinance for Charlotte, then yesterday North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory vowed block the bill.

Pat believes this bill is "misguided" and "overreaching," and that's not all. He and his band of fools are planning to block other jurisdiction in the state with a similar policy.

He said:
“As I communicated and predicted prior to the vote, state legislative leaders have notified me about introducing legislation that would correct this misguided government regulation and ensure it will not happen in any town or city in North Carolina. I am disappointed and saddened Charlotte city government initiated overreaching regulations that change basic standards and expectations of privacy regarding restrooms and locker rooms.”
It seems the only thing that's overreaching and misguided is Pat McCrory. He believes he's protecting women and kids with this charge. Sir, you are using the same tired argument about the bathrooms and predators. There's no record or case in the state that supports this foolish action.

I need for him to sit his ass down and deal. And I need for the LGBT groups in the state to fight HARD!


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