Wednesday, July 8, 2015

In Kentucky: Hateful Clerk denies marriage license in Morehead

This is so ridic, Kim Davis! The world is watching!

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis said Monday that her Christian beliefs make it impossible for her to give marriage licenses
to gay men or lesbians seeking to marry a member of the same sex. Rather than face claims of discrimination, Davis said, her office in Morehead is refusing marriage licenses to all couples until further notice.

"We've not had any applicants yet, but we've had several calls," said Davis, 49, a Democrat who took office in January.

"It's hard, I will tell you that," Davis said. "What has happened is that five lawyers have imposed their personal view of what the definition of marriage should be on the rest of us. And I, as a Christian, have strong views, too. And I know I don't stand alone."
Watch this woman and her foolishness

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