Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Finished a Script for a Horror Contest

I decided to enter a Horror Movie script contest. I thought it was time to see how my work could fair against a sea of Horror lovers.

So, I came up with, "Smoke"

A quiet weekend becomes a bloody fight for survival as demons attack a small college campus. 
It’s Die Hard on a College Campus with Demons 
It’s Fall Break at Waltham College and Kevin Dunn couldn’t be happier. He’s planned an awesome date weekend, filled with video games and double pepperoni pizzas. However across the campus, an ancient evil has been unleashed! Foul creatures who hunt their prey through thick green mist.  Now Kevin’s romantic evening becomes a bloody supernatural nightmare as he and a small band of students fight to survive the night!
In this script, Kevin is gay and he's doing everything possible to save his date who's trapped on the top floor of residence hall. It my ode to 80s Horror films that were completely creative and over the top. I'm posting it on Saturday. 

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