Thursday, March 19, 2015

HRC Poll: Majority believes Federal Nondiscrimination Bill is Top Priority

The Human Rights Campaign's latest poll reveals that 74% of the LGBT community believes that a comprehensive federal nondiscrimination bill should be a "top priority".

Marriage was a close second.

HuffPo reports:
According to the HRC survey, which was conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, 63 percent of LGBT Americans surveyed say they've experienced discrimination. Forty-seven percent have faced discrimination in the workplace, 19 percent in accessing public spaces, 14 percent in housing and 8 percent in the education system.

In 2013, the Department of Housing and Urban Development conducted the first-ever study examining housing discrimination against same-sex couples at the national level. It found that they were "significantly less likely than heterosexual couples to get favorable responses to e-mail inquiries about electronically advertised rental housing." In fact, heterosexual couples were favored over gay male couples in 15.9 percent of the tests, and over lesbian couples in 15.6 percent.

"This data again demonstrates that most Americans are shocked to discover that many LGBT Americans can be denied a job, a room in a hotel, a seat at a restaurant, a place in school, equal access to credit, or housing because they still lack explicit federal protections from discrimination -- and that once people learn that, they overwhelmingly support the basic idea that LGBT Americans should be judged only on their merits, just like everyone else. It's time to act," said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.).
Nice to know that their life after marriage.

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