Monday, March 16, 2015

Equality California endorses Hillary Clinton for President, but is it Too Soon?

Before anyone is set to run, before anyone says they're running, before we know anything about anything... Equality California gets it in first.

They are completely endorsing Hillary... An interesting move if yo ask me.

Here are their reasons:
The group's executive director Rick Zbur explained that her record on LGBT issues has led to her receiving its support:

“We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win. We’re enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!”

As Secretary of State, Clinton has championed LGBT rights on numerous occasions, including an historic speech on International Human Rights Day 2011 in which she declared that “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.” As a senator, she was also a co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, has supported HIV/Aids prevention and treatment and voted to add sexual orientation to the definition of hate crimes.

Zbur explained that this early endorsement is intended to express EQCA’s “unequivocal” support of Clinton’s presidency and that the group is already readying its members to support her:

“Although she has yet to formally announce her candidacy, we unequivocally believe that she is not only the most qualified candidate, but also the best candidate to advance LGBT rights. With this unequivocal support of her presidential bid, EQCA decided to take the unusual step to extend an early endorsement of Sec. Clinton to urge her to enter the presidential race. Along with our endorsement, we’re gearing up to fully support her candidacy for president by activating our members to mobilize around her campaign.”
Real talk, it's too soon to be throwing this kind of support to Hillary. Remember, we all thought it would be Hillary before and Obama came in like a thief in the night and snatched her wig quick. By the time the game really begins, someone could do it again. Not everyone is on the Hillary Bus to Freedom, so to support her this early is a bit strange. What do you think?


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