Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Philly Gay Bashers will go to Trial

Remember, the three fools who attacked a gay couple in Center City? Well, there's a great update.

Yesterday, Judge Charles Hayden said that the Center City gay bashers: Kevin Harrigan, Kathryn Knott, and Philip Williams will proceed to trial on charges of felony assault and conspiracy, among other counts.

Here's the breakdown of the charges
Kevin J. Harrigan

Aggravated Assault
Simple Assault
Recklessly Endangering Another Person
Philip R. Williams

Aggravated Assault
Simple Assault
Recklessly Endangering Another Person
Kathryn G. Knott

Aggravated Assault
Simple Assault
Recklessly Endangering Another Person
The formal arraignment is scheduled for January 6th.


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