Friday, November 14, 2014

Will the Gay Blood Ban be Partially Lifted?

It's about time!

A U.S. advisory panel recommended to partly life 31-year ban preventing gay and bisexual men from donating blood. This foolishness started back in 1983 due to the AIDS outbreak.

Here's more:
Groups like the American Red Cross say that risk is infinitesimal in many cases, not enough to justify a full ban that prevents much-needed donations. Doctors and blood-donation advocates who advise the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services voted 16-2 today to suggest that men who have had sex with men should be able to give blood after being abstinent for one year. Their recommendation will be considered by a group of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration in a Dec. 2 meeting. While the FDA doesn’t have to follow either panel’s advice, their recommendations are considered influential.
A big step, but still a ways to go.


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