Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Terry Bean takes leaves of absence from HRC board

Terry Bean will take a leave of absence from the Human Rights Campaign's board, until further notice.

HRC spokesperson, Fred Sainz released this statement:
"Terry Bean has taken a voluntary leave of absence from the HRC board until his issues are resolved. Bean is just one of 80 board members, none of whom have daily oversight or responsibility for any of our programs."
Again, Terry Bean was arrested and charged with third-degree sodomy and one count of third-degree sexual abuse. He and his ex-boyfriend, Kiah L. Lawson were accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy that the two had met through Grindr.

Terry, also released a statement:
"To all my friends, please be assured that I am innocent of all these charges. My lawyers have insisted that the facts come out in the courtroom and not in the press, but I am eager to share the truth, and I am grateful for all of your support you have shown me during this time. Thanks, Terry"
Terry is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 3.


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