Saturday, November 22, 2014

NOM wants to fight Gay Marriage for 100 Years

In a press release from NOM chairman emeritus Robert George:
"We have to resolve that we will stand for marriage and fight for however long it takes - it might be 20 years, it might be 50 years, it might be 100 years - to rebuild the marriage culture and to restore in law, where it has been displaced, a sound understanding of marriage. As a result of this, we will draw ridicule. We will bring scorn upon ourselves, because powerful people in institutions reject our understanding of marriage. They reject what everyone understood marriage to be until yesterday. And they claim that anyone who disagrees with them is a bigot, or a hater, or is motivated by irrational animus, or archaic religious beliefs. Yet we must suffer that, be willing to suffer that opprobrium, perhaps discrimination, perhaps the loss of friends, perhaps even conflict within the family, for the sake of rebuilding marriage, because so much for people depends on it, and especially for the poor."

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