Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mississippi's Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

Last night, U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves struck down Mississippi’s marriage ban on same-sex couples, however the decision has been put on hold for two weeks.

Buzzfeed reports:

“Today’s decision may cause uneasiness and concern about the change it will bring,” U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves wrote. “Mississippi continues to change in ways its people could not anticipate even 10 years ago. Allowing same-sex couples to marry, however, presents no harm to anyone. At the very least, it has the potential to support families and provide stability for children.”

In the 72-page ruling, Reeves found that “[g]ay and lesbian persons are full citizens that share the same rights as other citizens, including the right to marry.”

The case was brought by same-sex couples seeking marriage and marriage recognition, as well as the Campaign for Southern Equality, and the parties are represented by Roberta Kaplan of Paul Weiss — the lawyer who represented Edie Windsor in her challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act.

Arkansas dropped their ban as well. The South is moving forward!

Read the ruling here

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