Friday, August 8, 2014

Man Found Guilty of Second-Degree Murder for the Death of Renisha McBride

I haven't talked about this case, mostly because I was afraid of the outcome. But I was surprised.

Here's the story:
Last November, Renisha McBride was driving under the influence and crashed her car. Disoriented and lost, she tried to seek help. She made it to Theodore Wafer's porch. She knocked on Theodore's door, hoping he would help her... instead, he shot her in the face with a shotgun.

Theodore pleaded not guilty and claimed it was in self defense. But the jury didn't see it that way. They found him guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Renisha McBride.

As I said earlier, I was afraid of the outcome. The Trayvon case wore me out, I hoped this one wouldn't take me down as well. But thankfully, it didn't.

For more about this case, go here

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