Sunday, August 31, 2014

Joan Rivers is on Life Support

Joan Rivers is on life support and sadly, needs the machines to breathe.

The family is still hopefully, but they will have to decide how much longer Joan will be depending on the machines.

It's very interesting how all of this happened. Joan went for throat surgery, and then this happens. It's crazy to think about, right? The legendary entertainer is fighting for her. I wouldn't want to make that decision on my own mother, so I can't imagine what her daughter is going through.

Melissa Rivers released this statement:
"I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming love and support for my mother," the statement read. "She is resting comfortably and is with our family. We ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers."

Michael Sam responds to his cut through Twitter

Question of the Day

Do you know any Transgender people?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Michael Sam cut from the St. Louis Rams

Well, it happened.

Michael Sam was cut from the St. Louis Rams (Thank Hera, I didn't get that jersey).

OutSports report:

The next 24 hours will determine Sam's immediate NFL fate. The other 31 NFL teams can put in a claim for his services and Sam would go to the team that claimed him first. If Sam is unclaimed, there is a strong chance he will be signed as one of 10 practice squad players by the Rams.

If that happens, Sam can practice with the Rams but not play in a game. For that to happen, he will have to be placed on the active 53-man roster, something that can occur, for example, with injuries to other players. Practice squad players earn a minimum $6,300 per week they are on the team. This amounts to $107,100 if he lasts all 17 regular season weeks on the squad. Had Sam made the Rams roster, he would have earned $420,000 this season. He gets to keep the $45,000 signing bonus he was given after the draft.

The defensive end always had an uphill battle making the team since the Rams' strength is along the defensive front. Going into training camp, the first eight slots on the line were all but set, leaving one spot. Sam lost out to undrafted rookie Ethan Westbrooks, who by various reports had a better overall camp and can also play tackle in addition to end.

Minor setback, I hope Michael is picked up soon.

Gay Teen who was attacked by his Family, speaks out

The video that I posted the other day, turns out to be real. Daniel Pierce was attacked by his family once he decided to come out.

The video went viral and LGBT community came out to support him. A close friend started a gofundme page to help Daniel out with expenses.

So far, he has raised over $90K. Here's more from Atlanta's 11Alive:
"I thought for myself, for my own protection if something were to happen it would be best to have it on video. I just hit record. I just hit camera and hit record. I just know that I did it for my protection and it kind of all went from there, and the video really speaks for itself," Pierce said.

From there, more than 3 million views on YouTube(Warning: video contains profanity and sensitive material) in just a few days. Television networks, websites and social media sites around the globe have published it. That Georgia teenager talked only to 11Alive's Jeremy Campbell about why he record the video.

"What I hope people take away from watching that is it still happens. A lot of people don't realize that it happens. They see all the positive videos and the negative video never gets seen so if one family maybe watches it and maybe changes their mind in how they are going to handle it about their son or daughter coming out, one family and I will be happy. I want to education people on the issue because it is something going on," Pierce said.
Watch the interview after the jump

Lyndia Carter's reaction to the new Look for Wonder Woman

Access Hollywood talked to Lynda Carter about the new look for WW. Her response was... Well, see for yourself:
“Well, I was missing the red, white and blue, I have to say… I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet, so I really can’t comment. Maybe there’s a lot more color in it than what we saw in the picture.”
I think she's being nice.


Michael Sam is very confident on making the Team

Michael Sam has been doing pretty well in the preseason games. The final cut will be tomorrow and Michael feels really good about making the team.

Michael said:
“I’m very confident. I’m going to sleep really well tonight and I’m very confident I’m going to be on a team, the Rams or any other team in the NFL.”
Here's more:
Sam has played well throughout the preseason and played well again on Thursday night against the Dolphins, leading the team with five solo tackles. Unfortunately for Sam, the Rams are deep on the defensive line and won’t be an easy roster for any seventh-round draft pick to make. Sam is widely viewed as competing with fellow rookie defensive end Ethan Westbrooks for the final roster spot, and Westbrooks had a very good preseason finale, with a sack, a tackle for loss and two quarterback hits.
Good luck, Michael.


Interesting Quote: Jennifer Hudson

What I've always admired about the gay community is the independence and the confidence. Just that attitude. I'm so inspired by that, and I feel like, for me, that is my connection. I've never understood, gosh, what does the gay community see in me? You know what I mean? Because again, I grew up around a lot of that and that's the world that embraced me first, so that I've never fully gathered.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Michael Egan drops the Lawsuit Against Bryan Singer

The sexual abuse suit against Bryan Singer has been dropped.

The accuser, Michael Egan, dropped out due to the lack of counsel. His attorney, Jeff Herman, left the case in late July. Jeff said that relations with his Michael had “deteriorated.”

Here's more from Variety:
Herman, who staged several high-profile news conferences in April, withdrew from the case shortly after a Buzzfeed report that he and Singer’s lawyer, Martin Singer, had agreed to settle the lawsuit for $100,000 but Egan refused.

Herman’s firm filed one other suit against Singer — by an unidentified British plaintiff — but that case was voluntarily withdrawn in July.

In a statement to Variety last month, Martin Singer (no relation to Bryan Singer) said that “Bryan and his team will continue to fight to clear his name and intend to pursue charges of malicious prosecution against Egan.” He called Egan and Herman’s case “an attempted shakedown of Bryan Singer.”

Ancier filed a malicious prosecution suit in June against Egan and Herman.

Egan made four claims in each suit — intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault, battery and invasion of privacy by unreasonable intrusion. Each of the suits recounts in explicit detail the sexual acts that allegedly took place between Egan and each of the men.
Is this mess over? To be honest, I'm not sure.

Brian Brown whines over the 9th Circuit Court Smackdown

Of course, Brian was going to cry about NOM's big loss. But he shouldn't be shocked about it, they have been on this losing streak for awhile.

Brian said on his blog
"We are of course disappointed with the Ninth Circuit's decision today. The Ninth Circuit did not reach the appeal of the denial of motion to intervene, holding instead that even if NOM had been allowed to intervene on behalf of its members (including Oregon voters, wedding services providers, and a county clerk), it had no standing to appeal the judgment below even though the elected officials of the state refused to provide any defense of the marriage amendment adopted by a strong majority of Oregonians.

"We believe that the decision conflicts with a prior Ninth Circuit opinion specifically recognizing that a County Clerk with the duty to issue marriage licenses likely would have standing to intervene and appeal an adverse judgment. NOM alleged under oath that it had among its members just such a county clerk, and it sought to intervene on the clerk's behalf under the Supreme Court's well-established precedent in the case of NAACP v. Alabama allowing membership organizations to pursue the interests of their members when there are substantial hurdles to the members litigating in their own name, such as the real threats of harassment and violence that have been manifested elsewhere in the country around the marriage issue. Because of that conflict, we will certainly be exploring whether to file a petition for rehearing en banc with the full Ninth Circuit or whether we will seek review in the Supreme Court itself.

"Ultimately, though, NOM remains concerned that a sovereign act of the people of Oregon went entirely undefended by the elected officials of Oregon, an abdication of duty that resulted in the long-standing understanding of marriage in Oregon being rewritten by a single federal court judge. The policy fight over the definition of marriage is something that should ultimately be resolved by the people, not unelected judges. For now, Oregonians have been denied their voice on that important policy issue, and that is truly regrettable."

VIDEO: A Family reacts Horribly when a Son admits he's Gay

A Youtube video has surfaced showing a boy "Daniel" basically fighting with his family about his sexuality. As you can somewhat see and mostly hear, this confrontation was nothing nice and in fact, very sad to see.

I don't know if this really happened, but if this is true, my heart goes out to Daniel.

Federal Appeals Court Smacks Down NOM's attempt to halt Oregon's Marriage Equality

Oh NOM...

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has denied NOM's request to halt marriage equality in Oregon to intervene.

The court basically slammed the door in NOM's face. Now, it's up to them if they want to take the case to the Supreme Court.

Will NOM appeal? Who knows, but it's clear, this is just one out of many defeats in their foolishness.

If they don't appeal to the Supreme Court, all threats against marriage equality is done.


Tempe, Arizona passes a Proposition protecting LGBT Employees

Cool news from Tempe, Arizona.

The Arizona city is the first in the state to ban discrimination against LGBT city workers.

Prop 475 passed quickly and effortlessly through the City Council, which is a good thing. And it makes perfect sense due the growing businesses and ASU being in Tempe. It will be interesting to see what the haters think.


Kirk Cameron is Saving Christmas in a His New Film

This is a real movie... Why? Child, I couldn't tell you.

Michael Sam made it through the First Cut

Michael Sam is still on the St. Louis Rams' roster.

The team cut a lot players and luckily, Michael wasn't one of them. The first cut just took place in the last couple of days. The goal of these cuts is get them down to 75 players.

Sports experts said that Michael really shined after he posted two sacks against the Cleveland Browns last weekend. So far, during the preseason games, Michael has five tackles and three sacks.

So, I guess he's almost there. Keep trucking, Michael.

Oh, and on that showering report from ESPN? Well, they apologized for that mess.

Movies That Made Me Gay- A Night In Heaven

When I saw this film, I quickly fell hard for Christopher Atkins. I mean, I liked him in Blue Lagoon, but in this film... I LUST Him!

Like really lust him. He was so cute, dirty and that stripping scene almost killed me as a confused kid.

Let's watch the trailer and drool

Interesting Quote: Laverne Cox

"I feel so often that our oppressors are in a lot of pain. When someone needs to call someone else out for who they are and make fun of them, it's because they don't feel comfortable with who they are. And so, if anyone ever has a problem with someone else, I ask you to look at yourselves first -- what is it about you that you have a problem with?"
Laverne on Cox when two men harassed her on a New York City street.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tweet of the Day: Brian Brown

READ the Police Report by Office Darren Wilson on the Murder of Michael Brown

CARE Incident Report by Alex Fitzpatrick

As yo can see, it was NOTHING written. Ferguson PD finally released it and it tells you a lot about that dept. and the cops involved.

This is shameful!

Three quarters of Whites don’t have any Friends of Color

In not so surprising news, another study has revealed another interesting bit of info.

White folks have less friends of color. I'm not not shocked, but in an ever-changing society I thought things were changing... Hmmm.

This study comes from Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute
Let's consider the average American white American and the average American black American, and let's say, for simplicity's sake, that each of them have 100 friends. If you were to break down their respective friend networks by race, they would look something like this

In a 100-friend scenario, the average white person has 91 white friends; one each of black, Latino, Asian, mixed race, and other races; and three friends of unknown race. The average black person, on the other hand, has 83 black friends, eight white friends, two Latino friends, zero Asian friends, three mixed race friends, one other race friend, and four friends of unknown race.

To put it another way: Blacks have ten times as many black friends as white friends. But white Americans have an astonishing 91 times as many white friends as black friends.

There are a number of factors driving these numbers. Simple population counts are one of them: there are more white people than black people in the U.S., so it makes sense that the average American is going to have more white friends than black friends.
Interesting, but sad info read about.


New Poll: LGBT Americans have a Lower Well-Being than Straight Folks

A new Gallup poll claims that our well-being, as LGBT people, is not so great.

Here's the news:

Americans who identified as LGBT had an average Well-Being Index score of 58, compared with 62 for non-LGBT people. As Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index researchers also pointed out, that difference held true even after gender, age, race, educational attainment and other factors were taken into account.

Among the report's other findings: 35 percent of LGBT adults are thriving socially, compared with 41 percent of non-LGBT adults, while LGBT Americans are also 10 percentage points less likely to be thriving financially than their non-LGBT counterparts.

Also, LGBT women had a Well-Being Index score of 57, compared with 63 for non-LGBT women, while men who identified as LGBT had an average of 59, while those who did not identify as LGBT had an average of 61.

For more info on this, go here

Lifetime to create a Series on The Omen's Damien

Lifetime is making a new series based on Damien, from The Omen movies... Yeah, from The Omen movies.

According to the press release, the first season will be six episodes and it starts in early 2015. This series will follow Damien in his adult years. He's not completely aware of his powers or the satanic forces around him. Damien will struggle with past and his possible future as the Antichrist.

This could be interesting, or a bad mistake.


What did you think of the True Blood finale?

It was interesting... Sad, but interesting. I don't want to spoil it if you haven't watched it.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Question of the Day

Did you watch the new Doctor Who? What did you think?

Gay Bathhouses are Fading Away

Gay Bathhouses used to be the thing back in the day. You wanted to meet gay men, you went to the baths. But now, the bathhouses are dying out.

Here's more
Gay bathhouses that once remained in the shadows to stay in business are now seeking attention to keep their doors open.

Some are doing aggressive online advertising and community outreach. Others tout their upscale amenities like plush towels and marble baths. A bathhouse in Ohio has even added hotel rooms and a nightclub.

Gone are the days when bathhouses drew crowds just by offering a discreet place for gays to meet, share saunas and, often, have sex.

"The acceptance of gays has changed the whole world. It's taken away the need to sneak into back-alley places," said Dennis Holding, 75, who owns a Miami-based bathhouse.

In the heyday of bathhouses in the late 1970s, there were nearly 200 gay bathhouses in cities across the U.S., but by 1990, the total had dropped to approximately 90, according to Damron, the publisher of an annual gay travel guide. In the last decade, bathhouses, including ones in San Diego, Syracuse, Seattle and San Antonio, have shut down and the total nationwide is less than 70. Most patrons are older.

Hollywood Spa — one of the largest bathhouses in Los Angeles, a city regarded as the country's bathhouse capital — closed in April. Owner Peter D. Sykes said fewer customers and rising rent put an end to four decades in business.

"Bathhouses were like dirty bookstores and parks: a venue to meet people," said Sykes, who still owns the smaller North Hollywood Spa. "Today, you can go to the supermarket."
The North Hollywood spa is just up the street from me. Just think, it is one of the few left in this country.


10 Reasons why I'm ready to Date Again

I have been single for almost 2 years now and I'm ready to get back into the mix. Some of my friends think I'm crazy, but I think I'm ready and here's why.

  1. I want to laugh about stupid stuff on a date
  2. Holding hands is always fun
  3. It would be cool knowing that someone's excited to see you
  4. Going to horror films is better with a date
  5. It would be cool to make out with someone I like
  6. I'm not getting any younger
  7. Day trips
  8. To be held
  9. Learning new and interesting things about someone could be good
  10. To have another opportunity to fall in love again
Yeah, it would be nice to have the chance to love again.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson: Sgt Major Dan Page relieved of duty after video of Racist, Sexist and Ant-Gay Remarks surfaces - VIDEO

Sgt. Major Dan Page has shown us his true colors

If you want to see the full deal, check this out

GoFundMe is feeling Heat for the Darren Wilson campaign

GoFundMe may be under fire.

Officer Darren Wilson has a campaign raising funds for “any financial needs they may have including legal fees”. It's pretty sad, but what is really messy, are the racist statements with the donations.

A lot of horrid people left racist statements on the page, calling us animals and savages.

Many folks called GoFundMe out, saying these statements and the campaign goes against their own policy about supporting hate and racial intolerance. GoFundMe did respond to those complaints saying:
“Some donors’ comments have contained content that is in violation of GoFundMe’s terms and have been removed accordingly.”
 But they also said:
“The content of the campaign itself is not in violation of GoFundMe’s terms of service.”
As of now, Darren Wilson's campaign has raised over 250K. Many folks are threatening to boycott GoFundMe.

Personally, someone should hack their IP addresses and send them viruses.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Sloppy Side-Chick V. Stiviano claims Donald Sterling is Gay

V. Stiviano is really trying to keep her 15 minutes.

Now, she's claiming that she never slept with Donald Sterling and he's gay.

Yep, she said that... Here's more:
TMZ Sports has obtained the lawsuit -- which Stiviano filed in response to Shelly's allegations that V. accepted cars and property from Donald that he didn't have the authority to give her.

In the new docs, Stiviano argues that the items in question were given to her in exchange for being Donald's "beard" -- and she insists Shelly knew about it.

Stiviano states ... she was "not ever a sexual partner of Donald T. Sterling" and "believes that [Sterling] is a homosexual and enjoys sexual acts and or sexual congress with males."

In the legal doc, filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Stiviano says Shelly was "acutely aware of [Donald's] sexual orientation and condoned same as well as acknowledged and approved [Donald's] gifts of money [to Stiviano]."

Stiviano also says the gifts she received were NOT community property -- but rather Donald's separate property.

Stiviano is also suing Shelly and Donald for defamation -- claiming they slandered her in the media by calling her a thief and saying she embezzled money and property from Donald. She's demanding no less than $10 MILLION.

She is the worst. 10 million? Girl please, you were the side ho. The minute you got involved with a married man you welcomed defamation.

V. have a seat.


Nashville Mayor Karl Dean Supports Marriage Equality

Nashville Mayor Karl Dean has stepped up and spoke out for the Mayors for the Freedom to Marry campaign. He also released a statement to support this campaign.
“I believe that all people should be treated fairly and equally and that their individual dignity should be respected. Embracing and celebrating our growing diversity makes our city stronger. Nashville needs to continue in that direction, and it’s my hope that joining this effort will help us do that.”
Cool, now let's get the rest of Tennessee on the same page.


READ These Donators' reasons why they're supporting Officer Darren Wilson

This is from Officer Darren Wilson's Gofundme page.

These donators are the worst.

see more here

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Federal Judge strikes down Florida Gay Marriage Ban

This is it!

A federal judge has struck down the gay marriage ban in Florida!

Here are the details:
U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle in Tallahassee ruled Thursday that the ban added to Florida's constitution by voters in 2008 violates the 14th Amendment's guarantees of equal protection and due process.

Hinkle issued a stay delaying the effect of his order, meaning no marriage licenses will be immediately issued for gay couples.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has appealed the previous rulings striking down the ban in Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties.
The judge will allow time for an appeal, but it's just a waste of time.

Read the ruiling


Dan Choi is running for a spot on the San Francisco College Board

Interesting turn of events.

Dan Choi, mostly known as a staunch advocate for DADT, is running for a spot on SF College board. Dan has been out of the limelight since his trail and public breakdown.

Now, he's back entering politics. Here is his reason for running:
Dan has decided to channel his energies towards revitalizing the City College of San Francisco. As a dedicated student throughout his schooling, he has a passion for learning and education. Dan wants to see that all CCSF students have access to an enriching education as to provide them with the tools they need to achieve their goals both inside and outside of the classroom. Aware of the structural and economic issues facing the CCSF educational system, Dan is driven to be a part of the solution.
We will watching to see how this goes for Dan

The Science of Depression, what Happens Inside the Mind

I am posting this because I lost a friend to depression and I have other friends who goes through this as well. I used to think that anyone going through depression just needed good friends (mind you, this was my college days thinking), but it's so much deeper than that.

Please watch

Interesting Quote: Jason Collins

"I used to be able to jump and touch the top of the white square behind the rim with ease. As the years go by, you watch your hand go lower and lower on that square. Father Time is undefeated against us all. ... I'm really grateful for my Stanford degree now. On the other hand, I can still dunk."
Sounds like he uncertain about his future.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Supreme Court Halts Gay Marriages in Virginia

Minor setback...

The Supreme Court is continuing the stay on gay marriages in Virginia. Again, this is minor.

As we have seen so far, the judges have blocked most of these marriage cases while they are being appealed. So, I'm not worried. However, you know the haters will celebrate this short stop, but in the end... we win.


Indiana will Honor other States' Gay Marriages

A federal judge said that Indiana must recognize gay marriages performed in other states, however this ruling doesn't start until the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals is done with this case.

Here's more:
U.S. District Judge Richard Young decided Indiana must recognize the marriage of Michelle and Shannon Bowling of Indianapolis, who were married in Polk County, Iowa, on Jan. 18, 2011. Shannon Bowling is employed by the Indiana Department of Correction, and couple sued to seek state benefits for Michelle Bowling and her children from a previous relationship.

The 7th Circuit is scheduled to hear oral arguments next week on the state's appeal of a previous ruling by Young throwing out Indiana's same-sex marriage ban.

The Indiana attorney general's office says it had sought the stay that Young granted.


Baseball Phenom Mo'Ne Davis appears on the cover of Sports Illustrated

If you haven't heard about Mo'Ne Davis, take a moment to google her. She is the first girl to play in the Little League Baseball World Series. And she's killing it.

I think I'm becoming obsessed with this story of the little girl that could.

In LA: An 8-year-old Boy killed for Playing with Dolls

This is so sad to post.

8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez was abused to death by his mother and her boyfriend. The reason, because he liked playing with dolls. The way they killed him is way worse than you ever could imagine. According to the reports, they used pepper spray on him, forced Gabriel to eat his own vomit and locked him in a cabinet.

Here's more
Fernandez, 30, and her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre, 34, are in jail awaiting trial on charges of capital murder and a special circumstance of torture. They have pleaded not guilty. Attorneys representing the couple could not be reached for comment Monday. Because of repeated delays in setting a preliminary hearing, prosecutors convened a grand jury. The indictment was returned July 28.

Fernandez and Aguirre deliberately tortured the boy to death, hiding their tracks with forged doctor's notes and lies to authorities, Deputy Dist. Atty. Jonathan Hatami told the grand jury. "For eight straight months, he was abused, beaten and tortured more severely than many prisoners of war," Hatami said.

The abuse worsened in the months leading up to Gabriel's death, according to testimony from two of his siblings, both of whom are minors. They said Gabriel was forced to eat cat feces, rotten spinach and his own vomit. He slept in a locked cabinet and wasn't let out to go to the bathroom. Fernandez and Aguirre called Gabriel gay, punished him when he played with dolls and forced him to wear girls' clothes to school, the siblings said.

Fernandez and Aguirre hit Gabriel with a belt buckle, a metal hanger, a small bat and a wooden club, Gabriel's brother said. Their mother once jabbed Gabriel in the mouth with a bat and knocked out several teeth, according to testimony.
If found guilty, I want them to suffer.


Adrianne Palicki cast as Mockingbird in 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

This is a nice bounce back into the comic book world. After the Wonder Woman pilot fizzed, many folks were worried about Adrianne's career.

However, there was no need. Miss Girl has landed a huge role in Marvel Universe. Adrianne is the fierce Mockingbird.

Now, if you don't know about Mockingbird, here's a quickie. She is a SHIELD agent and an Avenger in the comics. Super good in hand to hand combat, like Black Widow, and the girlfriend of Hawkeye.

So excited for Adrianne, she will be great!


Huge Racial Divisions in Reactions to the Michael Brown Shooting

Finally, there is a poll that points out the racial divide in the Michael Brown incident. The new poll was conducted by the Pew Research Center during Aug. 14-17 among 1,000 adults. The info was surprisingly, not shocking, but disheartening to read.

Here are some key findings:

  • 37% of whites think the ‪‎Michael Brown‬ shooting "raises important issues about race."
  • 47% of whites think "race is getting more attention than it deserves."
  • 33% of whites say the police have gone too far
  • 32% of whites say the police response has been about right
  • 35% of whites offer no response

This is really sad to see. We are not moving fast enough in 2014. We still have a long road ahead.


So, the 'Real' KKK are not supporting the KKK fund-raising efforts for Darren Wilson?

The New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are raising money to support Officer Darren Wilson, the cop who killed Michael Brown.

On their website, they said:
“With the police state in Ferguson, we will be holding our fundraiser in Sullivan City, MO,” the announcement said. “Donations of $10 and up. All money will go to the cop who did his job against the negro criminal.”
 However, the 'real' KKK doesn't want anything to do with this:
The fundraising email is actually in violation of the traditional Klan constitution, according to another Imperial Wizard, Frank Ancona. Ancona leads the Traditionalist American Knights, one of the largest branches of the KKK, approaching 10,000 members in the lower 48 states. Their headquarters are in Missouri.

The KKK is split into many smaller subdivisions, explained Ancona, and often times, banished members of a larger branch will attempt to start their own. Ancona believes this is the case with Murray, who is not even known to the Traditionalist American Knights.

"He basically made up his own name," Ancona said, explaining that Murray may not even be on his birth certificate. "We are a registered organization. We have a charter with the state... Half of them don’t have the rituals for our ceremonies."
This Wizard says that this New Empire Knights may have just one member and their leader, Charles Murray' is a scam artist.

I tell you this is going in a messy direction.


New Poll: Most Republicans would be Upset if their Kid was Gay

According to a McClatchy-Marist poll, 6 out of 10 Republicans would be upset if their child was gay.

No surprise there, right? The poll breaks down the findings:

  • 23% of Republicans surveyed said they'd be "very upset" 
  • 37% would be "upset." 
  • 38% said they'd either be "not very upset" or "not upset at all."
  • By contrast, 28% of Democrats would be either "very upset" or "upset" if their child was gay.
  • 70% of Democrats wouldn't be upset.

The survey interviewed 1,035 folks across the United States from Aug. 4-7, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


Autopsy Report: Michael Brown was Shot 6 Times

Last night, we learned that Michael Brown, the unarmed teen who was killed by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, MO, was shot 6 times!

The Brown family had an independent autopsy done by Dr. Michael M. Baden. What he found was heartbreaking! You can see the pic above, but here are the facts:

Michael Brown was shot:

  • Twice in the head
  • In the palm of his hand
  • Once in the chest
  • Twice in the arm
Usually, a person would be shot in the leg, but these shots were nowhere near. I feel like Michael was executed. That cop... that cop murdered him and this report leads me to believe that completely.

Folks held a Rally for Officer Darren Wilson

Believe it our not, folks are supporting Officer Darren Wilson.

USA Today reports:

During the rally a post on the Facebook page announced a GoFundMe page for the Wilson family and a bucket was passed through the crowd to collect funds for them.

The GoFundMe page description says, "This page has been created to support Officer Darren Wilson of the Ferguson Police Department. We stand behind Officer Darren Wilson and his family during this trying time in their lives. All proceeds will be sent directly to Darren Wilson and his family for any financial needs they may have including legal fees."

During the rally a small group of people gathered across the street to protest the rally.

Mess, for real.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Actor Jesse Williams on the Depiction of Michael Brown - WATCH

Actor Jesse Williams lays down the truth about race in the media and in this country.

Gay Rights Ally Chris Kluwe and Minnesota Vikings have reached a Deal

Chris Kluwe and the Minnesota Vikings reached a deal.

A while ago, Chris was suing the team over his release. But they worked something out, now Chris will drop the lawsuit.

Here's more:
No financial terms of the settlement were available because the details have yet to be finalized.

Kluwe argued that his release was based on his support for gay marriage and that special teams coordinator Mike Priefer had directed disparaging remarks toward him. The Vikings contended that Kluwe’s release was based solely on his performance.

“The parties intend to hold a joint press conference early next week to make public the terms of a settlement arrived at late last night,” Halunen told USA Today.

Priefer received a three-game suspension, which will begin when the regular season opens, and he will donate $100,000 to gay rights charitable and educational organizations. The ban could be reduced to two games upon completion of anti-harassment, diversity and sexual-orientation sensitivity training.
