Friday, June 20, 2014

Sexy Criminal's Mugshot goes Viral

Now check this out!

Four men were arrested during a weapon sweep in Stockton, CA.

However, one of those men managed to capture the eyes and lust of many people... and I mean, Many People.

Jeremy Meeks is known as the 'Hot One’ and within a blink of a eye, his cute pic went viral.

Fox 40 News reports:
Comments like “he’s hot”, “is it illegal to be that sexy?”, etc. accompany his picture posted on FOX40′s and the Stockton Police Department’s Facebook pages. At one point, about 24 hours after the photos were posted to the department’s page, Meeks’ photo had more than 15,000 “likes” and 3,700 comments. Meanwhile Terry Bailey, who was arrested for the same crimes during the same police sweep as Meeks, only had 14 “likes” and 4 comments. Is it all in the eyes?
Yeah, he's cute... But he's a criminal.

Still cute though


  1. He has 'model' looks
    His face could be his fortune, and if so could leave the criminality well alone.

    can never underestimate the power of choices and the importance of opportunity

  2. He'd be cuter without the gang tats ... and the criminal record.

    Still .....

  3. That's a helluva hot man! It's the contrast of the skin tone with the bright blue eyes...

  4. I know he is a criminal. But he can change. It's his eyes that make me say it.
