Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor Loses! WATCH His Concession Speech!

Well, I know you know what happened last night!

Eric Cantor lost his seat to a Tea Partier.

Yes, David Brat was backed and financed by Tea Partiers, claiming that Eric was to liberal (really?). Eric spent over 5M for his campaign, while David barely had over 200K in his chest. Eric's campaign folks didn't think it was a problem.

However, when Eric's numbers were falling, they should've took note. But no, they kept thinking Eric had it in the bag. Then, the truth set in.

After the numbers came in, it was clear that Eric lost. This was a huge upset to the GOP. The very group the loved and hated gained ground and knocked one of the most powerful members in the GOP. Eric had to be embarrassed, he had to.

Here's the main story

Here is his concession speech

1 comment:

  1. Snap. Now to keep the 'Bagger out of office in November.
