Sunday, June 1, 2014

Donald Sterling sues NBA for $1 Billion

Donald Sterling isn't ready to lay down and die. This fool is suing the NBA for $1 billion for their decision to ban him for life and forcing him to sell the team.

CNN reports:
Sterling’s camp, in its lawsuit, claims that the move to terminate his ownership “is unconstitutional, in breach of contract, in restraint of trade, in breach of fiduciary duties and … is malicious and oppressive.”
Among other allegations, Sterling says in the lawsuit that he never violated the NBA’s constitution and that the recording that spawned this scandal — and that recording, it says, is the sole base of the NBA charges against him — is against California law.

The lawsuit also states that “the forced sale of the Los Angeles Clippers threatens not only to produce a lower price than a non-forced sale, but more importantly, it injures competition and forces antitrust injury by making the … market unresponsive to … the operation of the free market.”

“(Sterling believes) that the NBA’s forced sale … would create damages of at least $1 billion, which includes capital gains taxes, unnecessary and increased investment-banking fees, legal and transactional costs, and the loss of all future appreciation in the Los Angeles Clippers franchise value,” it adds.
Lord... And his wife is moving forward, trying to sell the team. So, how is this happening?

We will see how this mess unfolds.


  1. Doctors stated he was mentally incompetent, and removed from control of the family trust that owns the Clippers per its rules.

    And now he's suing to stop the sale? Good luck with that. He's done.

  2. He's needs a good long, permanent, sit down, and he needs to take that bigot of a wife of his with him.
