Saturday, May 24, 2014

Logo TV distance themselves from RuPaul's Foolishness

So yesterday, I posted the RuPaul "I love the word Tranny" statement from the WTF With Marc Maron Podcast.

For some reason, he believes he has the all out right to remix the slur. Anywho, that stupid statement has put Logo TV in an interesting spot. After that podcast hit the waves, the network distanced themselves from RuPaul with their own statement.

Buzzfeed reports:
“These comments did not come from Logo. We are committed to supporting the entire LGBT community and will not feature any anti-trans rhetoric on our shows.”
Ru's ego is getting in the way of progress. He needs to get out of his own way, before he's removed. This is not a good look, Ru.

You are f**king it up.


  1. She bettah be careful, because as big as she is on Logo, they might choose to cut her show from the line-up.

  2. OMG the word in question is not a slur.RuPaul has been saying that word since the 80's. More whites trying to control stuff when a Black man is calling the shots.

  3. Serious question: Is Ru Paul a transgendered person/woman? Or a "drag queen".

    Not trying to justify Ru's position but Ru has probably been called homophobic/transphobic names MANY times along the way to the top and may think of himself as being "immune" to the abuse. He may think that if he could develop a "bullet proof shield" against slurs everyone else should be able to as well. And if they can't, too bad.

    But I am curious, is Ru transgendered? If not, what is he?
