Thursday, May 15, 2014

Brian Brown whines about Arkansas

From his broke ass press release:

We agree with former Governor Huckabee that Judge Piazza has decided that he is "singularly more powerful than the 135 elected legislators of the state, the elected Governor, and 75 percent of the voters of the state. Apparently he mistook his black robe for a cape and declared himself to be 'SUPER LAWMAKER.'"

We cannot allow a rogue judge to take the law into his own hands and decide that marriage — an institution designed by God that has served society well since long before Arkansas was a state — should suddenly be reinvented. The people of Arkansas are perfectly able to decide this issue for themselves, and they did so a decade ago when over 75 percent of voters put the definition of marriage into the state constitution. If someone thinks that Arkansans want same-sex 'marriage' then let them put the issue on the ballot for the people to decide.

Let's send a message that enough is enough. Piazza, an activist judge if there ever was one, probably thinks that he's beyond the reach of voters because nobody filed to run against him for reelection and it's too late for someone to do so now. But no man is above the law and it's up to Governor Mike Beebe to call a special legislative session so that lawmakers can impeach Piazza and remove him from office.


1 comment:

  1. I always find the bigots bleating about activist judges to be disingenuous.

    If they took any civics classes they KNOW the role of the judiciary is to strike down bad law when that law violates the U.S. Constitution.

    I often wonder what Brown will do when equality is the law of the land. It's definitely headed that way right now.

    Brown will probably throw one last tantrum and then we'll never hear of or from him again.
