Thursday, April 24, 2014

HRC President Chad Griffin speaks out on Jo Becker's Book

Chad writes an Op-ed in The Advocate, addressing the criticisms from folks about Jo Becker's book "Forcing The Spring". While she don't give a damn about her haters, Chad does.

Here's the jump off from his article:
Most troubling of all is the impression that I personally am unaware or dismissive of the decades of hard work — often done in the face of personal risk and even harm — that made possible last year's groundbreaking marriage equality decisions from the United States Supreme Court. I want to respond to that line of criticism in particular, because it could not be further from the truth. And anyone who treats the successes of the past few years as the full story of this movement is missing something essential.
Real Talk... Chad shouldn't be attacked for this. He didn't write the damn book. However, haters going hate.

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