Monday, March 17, 2014

Why this Brandon Ambrosino Drama isn't that Deep

Brandon Ambrosino isn't a darling of the LGBT community. He has said some things that are incorrect, challenging, wrong, and highly opinionated.

Many LGBT writers/bloggers are upset that he was hired at Ezra Klein's VOX. But seriously, is it that deep?

I don't care for Brandon, but this outcry is a bit much. He's not speaking our speak... So what? So what? He is speaking from his experiences and his views. What we should do is not whine about him, but challenge him. Let Brandon speak his stuff and then, we come in and speak ours.

We have to remember that every gay don't speak LGBT ACTIVIST english, nor does every gay believes in the same things. Yes, his views are not pro-LGBT, but it sparks conversation and it sharpens our skills. To be honest, Brandon's style could makes us better at our craft. Challenge is good, difference is good. It's this type of stuff that strengthens our skills and makes us tighter writers, pundits, or debaters.

Call me crazy, but I think Brandon's foolishness is one of the best things to happen in the overall LGBT writing/blogging game.

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