Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why is Rooney Mara cast as Tiger Lily in the new Peter Pan movie?

Rooney Mara is in negotiations to play Tiger Lily in Warner Bros.' Peter Pan movie... Wait, Rooney Mara?
In this day and age, such we still  cast White actors or actresses in Native American roles?

I mean, Tiger Lily is Native American, why are they casting Rooney in that role? There are plenty of Native American actresses to choose from. Plus, they tried that mess with Johnny Depp (The Lone Ranger) and it failed big time.

WB should know better than this. It's lazy and foolish to even consider such casting. Nothing against, Rooney; it's just not a role for her to play.


  1. Objective question - how is this not like the recasting of Johnny Storm?

  2. I like the idea of non-ethnic casting in film and television--think Whitney Houston and Whoopi in Cinderella--but when the character in the film is based on a Native American then use a freaking Native American actor.

  3. I think if a character is ethnic based - native, white, black, hispanic, jewish whatever - then that is how it should be cast. No stand in races please and no racial makeovers.

    If we cant do it right - dont do it at all.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
