Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mozilla/Firefox CEO called out for Prop 8 Donation

So, the new CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, is in the hot seat.

Back in 2008, this man donated $1000 to support Prop 8. Now as folks hold him accountable, Brandon went to his site and expressed his point of view:
A donation that I made in support of California Proposition 8 four years ago became public knowledge and sparked a firestorm of comments in the last few days, mostly on Twitter.

People in other countries or other U.S. states do not know why “Mozilla” was listed in the donation data. Donors above a certain amount are required by the State of California to disclose their employer. Mozilla had nothing to do with the donation.

I’m not going to discuss Prop 8 here or on Twitter. There is no point in talking with the people who are baiting, ranting, and hurling four-letter abuse. Personal hatred conveyed through curse words is neither rational nor charitable, and strong feelings on any side of an issue do not justify it.

In contrast, people expressing non-abusive anger, sadness, or disagreement, I understand, grieve, and humbly accept.
Hmmm, whatever, dude.

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