Friday, March 7, 2014

Interesting Quote: Oliver North at CPAC

"Some say that we must ignore social issues, like the definition of marriage and the sanctity of life, religious freedoms. I say those are not social issues. They are deeply moral and spiritual issues and they should be a part of America's elections. In the 1850's, a political party was born on the idea of a great moral issue - human bondage, the abolition of slavery in America. If we as conservatives cease to be a place where people of faith and those who believe in strong moral values can come, we will cease to be a political force in America.”

They love some slavery in their talks. WATCH him say this mess after the jump


  1. his 15 minutes of fame were up 30 years ago; he should just piss off. how many people did he kill while on duty?

  2. Allow me to help you clear up your historical amnesia. REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. I'm sure it kills you but you can't change it.
