So, House Speaker John Boehner continues to be a dick.
A hate group known as the World Congress of Families wanted to meet at the senate office room. Now, why is this group a hate group? Well in short, they want copy Russia's gay laws here in the states. Once the news got out, LGBT groups were not happy and called them out. Then, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, canceled their space in the Senate building.
Good times, right? Wrong, guess who came to their rescue, BOEHNER.
This fool gave them a space in the House office building. World Congress of Families President Allan Carlson was so happy about this, saying:
“At least in the House of Representatives people have not succumbed to the great fear. A great fear seems to be descending over what has been called the world’s greatest deliberative body … ideas are being suppressed, debate is being shut off, and minds are being closed.”We're being closed minded? Child please.
Boehner claims he doesn't support their views, but why would he get involved? Why does he care about this hate group? I think it has something to do with money and possible donors. This group should watched, because I have a feeling they're up to something serious.
I feel something wicked this way is coming. Our race relations is about to be put on notice. I saw Oprah say something shocking but true and a Black actress say " she doesn't feel safe being in America", and it was powerful.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of hate a lot of people who hate people of color are enlisting in the Armed forces to someday gain power so they can change things. I am not a hater but I just hate hearing things about the haters and their horrible ways.