Friday, November 1, 2013

4 in 10 Folks think Blackface Is A-OK

New Mess in the Morning.

In the HuffPost/YouGov poll, 4 in 10 Americans find it acceptable to wear blackface makeup on Halloween.

Yes, 43% think it's okay for a white person to wear blackface on Halloween. Now 37% disagree with this, but it's crazy to think this is okay and acceptable to do.

Another sad piece of news, 40% think it's acceptable to dress as an ethnic stereotype on Halloween, 40% don't. Whatever happened to dressing up as ghosts and goblins?


  1. So 4 out of 10 people are wrong wrong wrong.

    Yesterday I watched Wendy Williams as Wonder Woman, a black Wonder Woman.

    And her warm-up gal was dressed as Jay Z, without the blackface.

    See, it can be done!

  2. I wonder if reflected in these numbers are the POV of the young - not all of course - that they don't see black or white or yellow or gay or religion, they just see people and it doesn't occur to them.

  3. Don't get me wrong - I also believe that many of them or ignorant assholes.

  4. I'm not surprised. They just didn't survey the right people-those they're pretending to be.I'm sure 100% of black people will be offended, like 100% of ethnic groups will be offended.
    I was at a party last night and a good friend came in blackface, pretending to be Lebron James. I demanded that he wash that shit off immediately. And then I spent the next 15 mins telling him why that was not cool. He was in shock. He actually thought I would like the costume.

  5. da fuq? it's WRONG under every circumstance. period. no excuses.

  6. 4 out of 10 actually admitted it which means that the real number is probably higher.

  7. Personally - I think we need to evolve past the sensitivity to Black Face. We (the black community) have created a double standard - We can't get offended every time someone does black face and laugh when black go "white face." (ie - White Chicks)

    If I put on white face and went as Mylie Cyrus it's Haha. But if my white friend wants to be Kanye West it's offensive. Double Standard.
    Neither of those costumes are racist. They're making fun of the person (not the race).

    If putting on face is intended to be harmful or offensive, (ie - The Trevon Martin costumes) that's one thing. But putting on black face as a character or what ever (ie the pic used with this post) - we have much bigger fights to fight.

  8. I almost want to say this is good news. I don't know if you were aware, but at Serra HS in San Diego the football coaches dressed as the Jamacian bobsled team and did blackface. All but ONE commenter said we were being too PC in calling them out.

    Screw them. There's a very good reason why it's wrong but sadly no cares to know why.

  9. The question you should be asking is whatever happened to common sense? I don't think people who wear blackface are necessarily racist. I think they are just plain stupid.
