Monday, October 28, 2013

Idiots don their Best Racist Trayvon Halloween Costumes

We have 3 idiots here before you. Why they thought this was funny, who knows. But why they think this pic wouldn't go viral against them is priceless.

Smoking gun has dug up their trash for all to see.
William Filene, who's dressed as Trayvon, is not a golden boy. This fool was arrested in June for felony auto theft. He's also has a rap sheet of other things too, like loitering and prowling.

Caitlin Cimeno is the lady of the hour and a stank ass racist. Last year, this she-mess posted elderly women wearing tight pants and tube tops as “tacos,” and posted a photo of an Black girl wearing a t-shirt reading “Black Girls Rock,” with the caption, “First of all, sorry Hun but mommy lied to you & secondly if I was wearing a shirt that said something like the truth 'white girls rock' I would be stared at and called a racist cracker.”

Greg Cimeno, dressed as Zimmerman, is just a plain ole idiot with nothing in his life to show for.

Funny, how they thought this was a simple joke, now they are ones who are the clowns. Enjoy your 15 minutes of shame... We definitely will.

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