Thursday, September 26, 2013

Question of the Day: Sochi 2014

Are we predicting the worst in Sochi?

Sometimes, I feel we are overreacting about this.

Should we be worried or will everything be alright?


  1. I'm really split on this issue. One the one hand, boycotting will show everyone we don't approve, but is it really our place to disapprove of another country's laws? On the other hand, going and showing our disapproval raises awareness of the issue on a global scale. But it does so at the risk of our own athletes' freedom. Then there's the local community to consider (maybe the other foot?) Would we be helping or hindering them? It's very complicated.

  2. I hate to say this but I almost wish there would be a gay bashing incident of some kind during the games because it would make Russia and Putin look worse than they already do. We may not be able to boycott the games but we can certainly boycott the telecast. I for one will NOT be watching.

  3. I don't think we're overreacting when it comes to the safety of our athletes. I've seen enough videos of those skinhead thugs to believe something will be attempted.

    Stupidity knows no boundaries, especially when the far right is involved.
