Monday, July 29, 2013

Pope Francis will not Judge Gay Priests

Pope Francis gave an interesting answer about Gays in his first press conference.

In this news conference, the pope was asked about non-sexually active gay clergy members in his ranks and how he would deal with them.

Pope Francis said:
"Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord? You can't marginalize these people."
That's a first... No, really, it is. He didn't go all, "Gays are a from God," but it was a big deal. The pope seems open to gays in the clergy.



  1. I'm not holding my breath on this one. The Church, the Vatican and most Popes have a long history of homophobia and anti-gay rhetoric.
    I want to see action, not words.

  2. It is interesting though. He's the first Jesuit in a long time to be pope. And one thing I know about the Jesuits is that a lot of them are atheists.

    And the attitudes of Pope Frankie - from staying in his domicile instead of the Papal palace, driving a Ford Focus, etc. This is interesting to me. He seems fairly humble.

    I suspect they might have elected another John XXIII, and perhaps we could see a Vatican III. That would be something.

  3. Remember though, that the catechism only forbids homosexual acts. He wouldn't have a problem with priests being gay because priests are supposed to be celibate, straight or gay. This still fits entirely within the dogma.

    What would be shocking is if in the same interview, he had said that women could be ordained, or allowing priests to marry. Or if he decided that the billions of euros the church has would actually go for actions against poverty, instead of a new wardrobe for the inhabitants of the vatican city.
