Monday, June 3, 2013

Question of the Day: Game of Thrones edition

What did you think of last night's Game of Thrones?


  1. I was pissed HBO delayed this episode for a week to give us that ho-hum Liberace flick. And this was much bloodier than the Red Wedding in A Storm Of Swords.

    Wait until King Joffrey gets married. I don't know if it's next weekend or next season, though.

  2. I can't watch any more of it. I watched the first four episodes of Season 1 and that was quite enough.

  3. It's a good thing I didn't care a fig about any of 'em.

  4. As someone who has not read the books and is just enjoying the episodes....I was absolutely speechless. I don't know which freaked me out more..the slaughter or the silence as they rolled the credits.
