Saturday, April 6, 2013

In Chicago, Black Faith Leaders stand for Marriage Equality

Black faith leaders in Chicago are standing up for Marriage Equality. Several church leaders will be leading the charge for the Illinois Gay marriage fight starting NOW.

Chicago Phoenix reports:
“Gay and lesbian couples believe in family and commitment,” said Rev. Richard L. Tolliver of St. Edmund’s Episcopal/Anglican Church in the Englewood neighborhood. “All families benefit from the protections and security marriage brings. This is about equality and justice. This is a matter of equal protection under the law for all citizens. This is not a religious issue.”

The push comes amid what proponents of the bill characterize as “amazing momentum” gained over the legislative break and recent polling which demonstrates massive support among Illinois African-Americans for legal gay and lesbian nuptials, according to Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois. In December, a Public Policy Poll found that 60 percent of African-Americans surveyed support marriage equality and 16 percent oppose such laws.

“Despite what others say, the African-American community understands [the differences in marriage rights],” Tolliver said. “Now is not the time to stop upholding our long social justice tradition fighting for the equal legal protection of all citizens. We should treat all families with equity and respect and the Illinois Legislature should act now. Now is the right time.”
This is so good to hear. Change the game, folks.

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