Wednesday, January 30, 2013 is in Debt over Gay Marriage

The hate group,, is coming up short in the federal Prop 8 case. They have a $2 million deficit in 2011 and they are still in debt.

Here's more
The 2012 accounts are not yet available. says it has since covered the 2011 shortfall. However, it is still $700,000 short in fundraising for its Supreme Court costs, according to a attorney, Andrew Pugno. That message has gone out to donors, with some urgency, as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments in March in its first thorough review of same-sex marriage.

"Unless the pace of donations starts to pick up right away, we could soon be forced over a financial cliff," said in an email to donors earlier this month.'s lead outside counsel, Charles Cooper, has not stopped work on the Supreme Court case, although he declined to comment on financial arrangements with clients.
This group were also outspent during the big 4 gay marriage battles. With this debt growing and their stance failing, maybe these haters need to try something new.

Read the rest here

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