Sunday, January 27, 2013

Please Storm NOM's Hate Rally in D.C.

NOM is having a hate rally during the Supreme Court hearing over gay marriage. If you happen to be in the neighborhood, please stop by and give them a peace of your mind.

Let those haters know that they shouldn't f*ck with our love and happiness.


  1. FYI: I'm "borrowing" this image to post to my blog. :)

  2. I'm sure there will be a presence of pro-marriage equality folks, larger than NOM's anti-marriage equality group, and I will be part of it.

    I'm working with the leader of my gay group at work to organize some kind of presence down at the Supreme Court. We will probably join in with the Federal GLOBE group who I'm sure also be there. I'm already planning that week so I can spend as much time at the USSC as possible for the two days of arguments.

    This is one of the perks of living/working near DC -- participating in events like this and letting our voices be heard. I can't wait.
